In the Words of the Queen Come Again Snatch

RuPaul'south Elevate Race loves a good wig controversy. While the Federal Bureau of Investigation has — despite testify presented at final year's flavour 11 reunion — however to definitively close the Case of Ariel Versace's Missing Wigs, at that place's another ongoing affair of hair-based cataclysm riling upwardly the fandom: Aiden Zhane'south teeny, tiny, midnight-hued pussycat.

After enduring endless critiques and shade from fans and fellow queens alike, the small-town Georgian has switched upwards her wig game in recent weeks, rocking a huge blonde concoction atop her head as a campy interpretation of a claymation yeti for this week's Frozen-inspired rails. But, it wasn't enough to save her from a disastrous functioning as Rocky Horror Motion-picture show Bear witness extra Patricia Quinn in the perennial Snatch Game glory impersonation challenge, and the horror-glam goddess was sent packing after fellow competitor Brita literally brought fireworks to the stage during a lip-sync to "Let Information technology Become."

In the wake of Aiden's sashay away, she had a chat with EW about declining to do Quinn justice during the Snatch Game (which included forgetting to give the Irish actress... well... an Irish accent), viewers' volatile reaction to her introverted approach to the competition, and why she doesn't feel her flavor 12 sisters bullied her into submission during last week'southward intense Untucked. Read on for the full interview, and be sure to tune in to the side by side new episode of RuPaul's Drag Race Fri at 8 p.m. on VH1.

Amusement WEEKLY: Hello Aiden, it's prissy to talk with you again, particularly afterwards yous told me I was your outset interview ever final yr! Now I tin see how much fame has changed you.

AIDEN ZHANE: Funny how that works; now you're my last interview of the solar day!

Hopefully non your last one e'er, because it feels like you didn't enjoy this process! Girl, you caused some controversy — the biggest being that damn brusque wig! I don't call back we've had this much drama over a wig since Ariel Versace. Have y'all burned the short wig even so or are we rocking that forever?

[Laughs] Really? I haven't heard. I will never fire my brusque wig! The public is simply going to take to get f—ing used to that wig considering it ain't going nowhere!

Does information technology take a name? You should sell a line of short Aiden wigs!

No, only it probably should at this signal! I had to release a wig shirt later on the season started.

Even Bob the Drag Queen got into it with you on Twitter over this wig. That was all playful, right?

Yeah, both of us talked in individual letters since then, it was just elevate queens throwing shade!

However, I imagine this is such a weird time for you given how the fans and even some other queens have reacted to you on the show. Do yous experience like you lot were treated unfairly by fans and queens this season — especially by Brita on Untucked?

I'one thousand not somebody who cares to read into a situation, like, "Is this fair or unfair?" Life'southward not f—ing fair! For me, information technology'south about recognizing that no affair what level I'm at, there are always people who don't sympathise the drag that I do or who want to tear me downwardly. There are always going to be haters. There's plenty of love, and that's what I'm hither for.

The discussion I've seen thrown around by fans is "bullied." Did you feel bullied on Untucked?

I definitely think "bullying" is inaccurate. This competition is high-stakes and high-stress. Nosotros all want to be No. 1. Information technology'south just normal that tempers flare. If you're not doing well, you're going to find reasons or excuses for that happening, and that means pointing at someone else. I don't recall it was bullying as much as people's individual struggles with wanting to be the concluding one standing.

In this calendar week'southward Untucked, the queens were coming at you again, saying that they didn't feel like you lot wanted to be at that place. From a viewer'due south perspective, it did seem like yous possibly gave up. Did you lot?

I definitely wasn't giving up. I came into the contest already insecure, because I knew from that I wasn't coming in with the flashy drag pieces that some of these girls have or with years of feel being on a stage in front of people and having the confidence that that builds. Information technology had nothing to do with giving up or a lack of appetite. I had a lot of insecurities, and having the other girls there to validate those insecurities and be picking at me throughout the season bankrupt me down.

How does it feel now that that'due south so misunderstood past viewers, that information technology was more about internal insecurities than giving upwards?

The fashion something might look on TV isn't necessarily the style it really was, and it'south non because of editing. Information technology has nothing to do with that. At that place's a lot that goes on backside the scenes that you don't become to see, all the style upwards to what the girls are feeling in their heads. To a viewer it might look like somebody is giving upwardly or they don't intendance, but in that moment information technology'south something completely different for that person. They're dealing with a lot. Information technology's important to empathize that nosotros're all in this insane competition that, at the finish of the mean solar day, you can try to prepare yourself mentally for, only it'southward a different experience in one case you're in that location.

Tin y'all elaborate on what y'all were feeling internally?

It was my entire elevate history leading up to the prove. I'd been doing drag for 8 years and I was, for meliorate or worse, a bedroom queen. I hadn't achieved breaking into a big city or found a place in the scene with drag sisters…. My fears were confirmed in knowing that I was beingness judged by the judges and the other girls. Fifty-fifty in moments similar the Gay's Anatomy episode where Ru singled me out and challenged me to come out of my comfort zone, knowing that I was in the top that calendar week, I felt then groovy most myself, and to immediately be told that I should've been in the bottom, that dragged me back down to square one and took whatever moment I had to feel good about myself.

So, practice you lot regret annihilation outside the infamous nap?

[Laughs]. The nap became a situation of its own. There are viewers who saw it the same manner the queens did, that I was existence lazy or didn't give enough of a s— to stay awake and fight for my spot. When I was making my garment, I recollect racking my brain and proverb the outfit was besides elementary. As much as I tried to think of ways to [improve it], it wasn't coming to me. I had 2 options: Confidently walk down the rails in what I thought was beautiful or as well uncomplicated, or I could commencement adding s— that could possibly mess it upward. I chose the route of keeping it simple versus screwing it all up!

One thing Jackie kept saying was Snatch Game is the claiming that you guys know is coming and have the most time to prepare for. How much did you prepare, considering I remember you'll agree your performance didn't come together.

Obviously you look back and you're similar, "I wish I'd done this differently" or "Why did I do that?" It'due south all near reacting in the moment. I chose Patricia Quinn because I'd met her, and I knew what a kooky, crazy character she is. I remember crying in my hotel room the night earlier and having a personal breakdown, and that day was an amalgamation of all of that stress, and I didn't deliver. I of my backup characters was Aileen Wuornos. Looking back, I wish I would've washed that, but it is what information technology is. I did her in my audition, and so, maybe I'll post a clip!

You said y'all had lunch with Patricia, though? I need to hear about this.

I used to exist in a group of friends who were into Rocky Horror Picture Show and did a [testify] in Atlanta for information technology, so one yr for Dragon Con in Atlanta, Patricia came to open the Rocky Horror Picture Show for all of the states, and we went out to eat with her and got to talk. She's very open and straightforward nigh her drug employ in the by and how it afflicted her, and she's got and then many stories. When you think of that old, crazy, kooky, batty type of woman, that is Patricia Quinn.

Why did you eliminate her Irish gaelic emphasis, then, if you experienced it in person!?

And then, yes, virtually that… starting off in the Snatch Game, I was so nervous during that challenge [considering] of the Untucked before it. I was mentally screwed upward in that moment, and Snatch Game is such a high-pressure challenge, I was nervous out of my heed! I call back accidentally starting out without the accent, and then realizing information technology partway through but thinking, "Southward—, I started without it, if I switch now, is that going to exist worse?" So, I stuck with what I was doing. It wasn't a expert situation!

Did it sting a chip more than that Brita had been vocal almost wanting to ship you dwelling, and that'due south what ended up happening in the lip-sync?

I don't call up even focusing on the fact that it was Brita. I knew I completely bombed Snatch Game and that it would exist on television! I knew all the stress I'd already been through and so far telling me that I didn't deserve to be there and feeling insecure, like, are they right? Practice I non deserve to exist hither? But so I remembered my confidence and that I was there for a reason.

I want to make sure I ask you about your message on Facebook, where you atoned for the comments you made well-nigh trans queens dorsum in 2018. Everyone has the right to larn and grow. Why did you want to accost that?

I stick by what I said in my [new] Facebook post: I believe that all elevate is valid and that's never something I won't attest to! Life is a learning process and we all need to take that into account and to always try to exist a better version of ourselves!

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RuPaul's Elevate Race

RuPaul — as host, mentor, and creative inspiration — decides who'due south in and who'south out.

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